
May recap

A few days late... Here are some happenings from May.

Skating with Joey for his birthday.  Pictured here with Jake and Bosco.

Toby was there too.

And of course Garth and Zack.

Joey is good at games.

And I like how the lights made a heart over Joey for his birthday.

Hanging in Joe's yard.

Because Jai was here for a few days!

Of course Greg and I saw each other at the curbs.

Quick visit from Evan.  We miss him tremendously on our Simpsons trivia team.

Art show at One Grand.

Where all these friends were hanging.  Like Victoria and Niles.

And the Harper boys- Preston and Cameron.

Camera wars with Alex.

And Andrew.

Went and saw Loose make some tunes.

Some skateboarding too.  Andrew did a bluntslide and some other fun tricks.

And John did a switch back tail like it was nothing.


Aurora Borealis?!

At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely in your kitchen?

I know this event was everywhere on social media the weekend it happened in early May, but enough time has probably passed for me to share these.  It was very cool to see in Oregon from my backyard.  Though it really didn't look this good to the naked eye.  My phone camera did pretty good.  But the long exposure on the DSLR was the good stuff.