Carboy came up with the brilliant idea to have a Halloween party about a week and a half before Halloween. The reasoning behind it was that the weekends before and after will be full of other parties and stuff to do. I was unprepared for this and went with no costume but damn was it a great time. One of the best dance parties in years. When Panama came on everyone in the house was dancing around and singing at the top of their lungs.Who brought these Frat Boys?

It was like Soul Train up in that piece.

Full-on Mexican wrestling match.

Nice hat.

It was really scary how much Eric's costume was like parallel universe Eric. It was like looking into the mirror of "what if I never started skating?"

I certainly had a good time.

The great part about this photo is that the place looks empty even though there were tons of people there.
Also, Andreas do I get photo incentive for this? Or do you need me for the next
Sweatpants photo shoot?

I really hope this picture didn't ruin Brandon's chances with that girl he's talking to.

On the late night/early morning walk home this huge leaf caught my eye.

I had to walk because someone stripped my ride while it was locked up.