Bury my board at swollen knee
While in Canada I hung up on a b/s 5-0 in a bowl and fell straight to my knee. In the process I somehow kicked the ground and bruised the joint of my pinky toe. Nothing else to show from the slam except a limp. Going on a week and a half now it's starting to feel better but still not enough to skate. So I've done a bunch of lurking in the last week.

It started with Colin asking if the Bacon team could come session the ramp. Of course.

This little dude is name Tyler. His mom was taking him on a skatepark tour of Oregon. So rad. He was rocking an Iron Maiden, Killers shirt and his mom bought beer for everyone. Did I mention he killed the ramp?

Johnny T.

This is the craziest thing to go down on the ramp so far. We still haven't hacked off the old railing and Tim Johnson decided he would blunt the 2x6.

Friday was Skylar's 12th birthday. Water slide blow-up castle? Check! Perfect for the 100 degree weather we were having.

Jess and Indy.

Saturday was a double whammy of the Adult Soap Box Derby and Kyle's birthday. We mobbed bikes out to Mt. Tabor, watched some racing, drank a couple beers, and headed home dehydrated. I missed a photo op of the best car which had a full stage rigging, a fake hair metal band, gNr blasting, and the microphone was the steering.

Onward to Kyle's birthday BBQ. KT was lounging hard in the heat.

Kyle named his rocket James Worthy's Way and dressed it up like James Worthy.

It went first and had the most erratic flight.

But it is the only rocket that came close to landing back in the yard.

Kyle instantly grew a mustache at age 28.

I'm such a power cyclist that I cracked my rear dropout in half. Time for a new frame I guess.

Eagles or Seagulls
Keeping with the recent theme of not being in Portland, for almost the last 2 weeks I've been in Canada with only 1 night back at home between trips to Eastern and Western Canada.

First, it was off to Montreal.

The Peak of Mt. Shasta peaking out through the sunset.

SF by night.

Dawn over Eastern Canada.

There were a lot of balloons at our photoshoot which prompted investigations into the element of helium. Such light-weight powers. The crew was taken over and took up temporary knuckle tats in honor of this Noble Gas.

Camera setups.

My hotel.

Old Montreal explorations.

One of the locals called this the cheese grater building. I'd like to call it the sponge ruiner building.

My return flight went through Dallas. I couldn't tell if this couple were Quebecois or Texan. Does it really matter?

I got back home after 1 am and Amy and I were on the road by about 9 am. This is Mt Adams viewed from Highway 97 in Washington.

Classic cars were all over the road. There must have been a show somewhere on the route. This guy blew past us doing close to 90 mph.

While in BC we got to see the Canadian Snowbirds do their thing in the aeroplanes.

Quintessential summer shot on Lake Okanagan.

View of vineyards and the lake.

Amy and I.

Diesel and Beauty.

Bartenders get front row parking.

Doggy sleep over.

The following are from my trip to the Okanagan last summer. There was no blog then so now seemed like a good time to share them.

The Summerland skatepark in all its glory.

Central Washington 2007

Eastern Washington 2008.

Kite boarders near Hood River.

While I was gone the ramp got new additions.

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