I have to say thanks to Colin for getting me set up with CS2. Bridge is my new favorite program. Makes resizing much easier.
Let's get into it then...
Ryder and Jill are old friends from CO that now live in NYC. It had only been a couple months since I saw Jill last and it's been at least a year since Ryder and I crossed paths. Good to meet up with them and catch up.

I like the weird rooftop stuff that NYC has going on.

2 more amazing people that live in the city, or in Tom's case Dirty Jersey. Trouble abounds when the 3 of us get together.

2 Nicastro's and an O'Connor or is it 2 O'Connors and a Nicastro? Although it had only been a few days since I last saw Tim in Mexico we still met up for dinner on my last night in NYC. His wife Jody and I used to be roommates in SF.

I'm on some next level scarf shit in Portland.

Happy birthday Lucy and Leslie.

Andrew has no problem making friends where ever he goes.

I don't think there's much explanation needed on the next few photos.

Central Oregon sky.

That band again...

The Pack A.D. are rad if you ever get a chance to see them.

Tyler and Ryan rode motorcycles from Vancouver for a mini-vacation. We stacked up camera quivers.

Slow shutters + a candle = fun times.

Ty and Ryan got a little loaded one night and made a ruckus upon returning from the bar. Don't worry guys, we forgive you.

A combination of the Mean Jeans, Canadians, their motorcycles, and an extra flash.

Dear Tyler,

This weekend it was like a brain meld when we all woke up with the same idea of a garage miniramp tour of Portland. Ty and I hit up 2 and skipped Billy's. Jen's ramp has a kind of low ceiling.

But that doesn't matter to Billy and his blunt.

Monday night bowling at Hollywood. This was a change of pace for Ty and Ryan who are used to Canadian 5 pin bowling.

Now on to Vancouver, BC. Tyler's cat Pete is a little bitey.

I skated everyday I was in town but this is the only skate photo I took - Leeside.


It was fun getting everyone in Vancouver amped up on the Thumb Shotgun technique.

Amy and Travis.

Back to Portland and Andrew having his hair straightened. That only lasted a couple hours.

Yes, my mustache is now that long.

New improved dudebarn ramp. Nice weather means more skating.

Verg and his beeramid.

Healy throwing down at the beginning of our Saturday shred sesh.

The next 3 photos are a guest spot from Pat.

Moments after this was taken Pat's rib shifted.

Canby crew.

Canby skatepark.

Healy resting after the demo he put on.

Ben earned himself some DQ with his crazy step-up backside 180.

Andrew always up to something...

Christian too.

This picture doesn't do this gap justice. Doug handles it.

Stress got the better of me.

Pat's steezy boardslide.

Taco Time!

But wait it gets awesomer...

Wedge ledge.

1 comment:
Could you explain to me what's up with that "BJ's mini child care" photo? I don't get it. Why would that guy be drinking beer in front of a daycare center? Is that an open container? And what is that gesture he is making with his hand? Does the name of the place have some sort of significance? I'm so confused. You crazy kids.
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