Julia and Rune were in town with Dennis.

Rune Busenitz killing at soccer.

This is the first time I've been stuck on a bridge in Portland. It didn't seem to raise up for a boat or any particular reason.

Danny and his wild eyed daughter.

Friday night house show at the Mean Jean's palace. I don't remember the name of these guys but they were fun to watch.


I think White Fang is my new favorite live band. They bring a whole crew that gets rowdy right up front with random percussion instruments. This guy stood on the amp for the whole set with a tambourine.

Some other band that I can't remember the name of. Good but wrong energy for the house shoe and other bands involved.

I wonder where this guy is from?

Mandatory Mean Jeans shots.

Andrew had a great hole in his pants.

Saturday night was Caitlin's birthday party in North Portland. Shaun fed beer to a Tiger.

And CeeLo got played.