In an effort to break up all the pictures I'll do this in 3 parts. The first is the trip there and Stuttgart.
North Portland skyline.

Flight path.

Early morning glaciers of Greenland.

Arriving in Germany I did my best to adjust to local time by staying awake as long as possible and being completely out of it while having Jascha show me around. First stop, the skate museum. Finally got my copy of Made for Skate.

The town centerpiece of Stuttgart.

The German trains are very efficient.

Stuttgart's new street-style park. It has a ripping bowl too.

Dennis and Rune.

The next day was supposed to be rainy so we took a trip to adidas world headquarters in Herzogenaurach and got the grand tour.

Taking advantage of the world class soccer pitch.

Dennis did a sliding/kicking move to score a goal and caught some metal in the ground that usually holds the goal post.

And he left a little chunk of his leg on the field.

Rune and Adi Dassler.

Lots of Unimogs!

I took this picture for Verg.

The next day was nice and we skated around Stuttgart. The guys call this park the Whore Skatepark because it's in the red light district.

Neil, JuJu, Seb, some locals, and Lem at the park.

Torsten disappeared only to show up multiple floors up in the parking garage for sick angles of the park.

Random German cowboy.

Julia in front of our hotel.

I tried to get shots of all the interesting German beers I drank.

Matt Irving and the best emailer in the world, Vivien Feil.

The crew prior to the premiere.

I saw this board and, wow.

Skate Museum preparty.

Torsten and Jascha about to give a speech about the video.

Packed house.

Lem is into handbags.

Matt and Neil.

I introduced Vivien to the concept of a wingman but being a skate event there were only about 5 girls in attendance. Vivien is now in America tasting the freedom.

Günes, Raul, JuJu, and Seb.

This early in the night turns into...

This later in the night.

Germans love meat.

This thing is right next a rad park.

Everyone sessioned the 3 up 3 down so long that it rained on the park before we could skate.

So off to the indoor park.

Dennis really tapping into his German heritage.

They match...

Croisant and Latte for Matt before heading off to Barcelona.

Stay tuned for Part 2.