You have the opportunity to live at the Dudebarn! One dude's permanent road trip could be your chance to move into this epic abode. Nait is taking the van on a long journey so Brandon and Derek need to fill his vacancy.
Hit any of us up for the details. Move in would be August 1 or thereabouts.
Seriously, this thing will be in your yard! Think of all the ladies you will impress with your new transition skating skills! Think of all the internet fame you could have on this blog! Just stop thinking and do it!
It may appear that I have an unhealthy obsession with BBQs. But I wouldn't call this obsession unhealthy. After so many months of rainy days and grey skies, sunny days call for as much outdoor time as possible. Who wants to cook in a kitchen when you can fire up a grill, sit outside, and enjoy the ones that are cold. So it is that we've been doing a lot of BBQing lately. It has produced many quotes of the Simpsons episode "Lisa the Vegetarian." And for now it's been standard grilling fare. I suppose as we resharpen those grill skills the dishes will become more elaborate, we will consume even more cold ones, and you can expect many pictures showing a similar situation to the one below.
Conor has already left us. It's time for him to earn his keep by catching salmon in Alaska.
T-Bone was so excited about the new grill he chewed through the packaging to get it out.
Someone giving Dave the old fuck you.
Andreas came to town to visit.
And our Pobody's Nerfect tattoos were finally united. I know they're hard to read behind all the leg hair.
Time for another big money skateboard contest. Rad that guys can earn that kind of cash but it still feels weird. Also rad that this time around the park will stay in place instead of getting jack-hammered out a day later. Kids in NYC are going to be hyped.
Friday was super hot so we opted for the beach instead of sweating our faces off skating around the city.
Nice skyline view.
Cujo modeling an awesome dog jacket.
Pat looking happy.
Apparently Pat and crew know this guy but he was straight up passed out on the sidewalk.
Little Italy.
This was the only shot I took at the contest. Busenitz getting interviewed by some guy in a top hat and coat tails.
Lookout for the Cookout!
Obviously excited to be at some industry party. I should get photo incentive for that Monster banner.
This is a photo from as far away as my camera strap goes.
For some reason Kara was trying to bite Lyndsey's boobs?
A few years ago I helped name a shoe at adidas. Of course my first choice was Polson. It was a no-brainer, really. Recently the opportunity to help name another shoe came up. Keeping it close to home I suggested Ronan. It was approved all around and now we have another shoe named after a town in Montana. Now that our new catalog is out I can finally share this with everyone. You'll have to wait until January to pick up the shoes but it will be worth the wait.
Off to Berlin with Canadian version of the adidas skate team. Good times in a foreign land! There were so many amazing quotes from Chuck. Too many rad skate spots to keep track of. A bout of food poisoning for myself. All night partying for some of the dudes. Twins... So much that can't be captured in the format that is a blog.
Berlin likes photo booths. There are at least 3 within a block of one of the best skate spots in town. Here is most of our crew in photobooth format.
This was our first day. We walked around trying to fight off jetlag. Came across this 'thing'. Chuck captured me in a great moment. There is a huge pile of shit by my feet.
BEER! 3/4 of the cooler was booze. I like how open and cool about drinking Germany is. Drink in the streets? Yes!
We made purchases based on the labels.
Good views at 6am.
This spot again.
More awesome labels.
Our photographer, Daniel, did this pivot fakie first try.
Communist architecture.
You might recognize this rail from Busenitz's 360 flip. Drew got a dope trick over it. You'll have to wait for Kingshit to publish the article to see it.
I'm now obsessed with this building. The old Tempelhoff airport.
East Berlin apartments.
TV tower.
I think I took this same photo last year. Still awesome.
Rad bus.
I don't know what's going on with these books but the cover art is amazing.
Kevin Lowry can jump high.
Best sign I saw in Germany. I was bummed that this place wasn't open.
We drove all the way to Potsdam and got kicked out of this spot.
We watched the Champions League final. Everyone was bummed about Bayern losing.
Dave Carnie and I got obsessed with playing Germans in foosball. We made it happen and got our asses kicked. Those guys are good and the Foos.
Best brunch ever.
Amy's hometown of Summerland as seen from the plane.