Lots going on in the last week. It's hard to recap in this little blogging device. Plenty of friends visiting. Making new friends. Video premieres. Lots and lots of beers. Wizard Staffs. Thumb guns. Some good times on skateboards. Almost getting in fights.My good buddy from SF,
Matt Irving, was in town and spent a night camping in the basement.

Dawn Patrol sesh at Glenhaven. That old adage about the early bird getting the worm applies here.

Jess and Skyler. The instigators of the early sesh.

Schuyler getting frontal on the big wall.

PJ shooting with a real camera.

PJ and Schuyler were in town in the middle of their trip from Seattle to SF. To spice it up they placed personal ads on craigslist to try and get dates. There was only 1 legit response between the 2 of them and it was from a dude. This is the photo Schuyler put on his post.

This is after the
Jivaro wheels video premiere. We put back some beers in the middle of Ladd's addition, or as I like to call it - the Bermuda Triangle.

These guys were just getting warmed up for

Our unknowing forethought on ramp construction - wizard staff holders.

There's a reason it's called the dudebarn.

So it begins.

I'm pretty sure Troy has Brandon by the nose. This went on for almost 10 minutes.

Sick flair tanline.

Saturday at the dudebarn which is temporarily tent city.

BBQ action.

Willy flew in from Colorado this day and we put him right to work with skating and beers. He runs a bar/bikeshop called
Road 34. They are connected by garage doors. Verg, I hope you're reading this because that place would be perfect for you. Not like it's that different than Revolver.

You know it's trouble when the staffs get this long this early. This mostly due to teaching all these guys the Thumb Gun - except PJ who has been trying for 6 months.

Sorry about your chair.

Back to my house where the dudes next door were having quite the party.

This girl is impressed by Brandon's wizard status.

We were having a great time.

Not only did someone piss on the kid's leg that Schuyler is about to pet, they almost picked a fight with everyone of us. It started when they made fun of both Schuyler and PJ for wearing glasses. Seeing is sooo overrated. Schuyler sprayed them with beer while thumb gunning which got things to a great level. And when I laughed at someone's joke the douchebag in the v-neck tried to start shit with me. They disappeared shortly after this.

These planes now fly over my house everyday from 5-7.

Happy summer.

Along with new friends come new blogs. Check some of the new links over on the left. Alex is sure to have some good shots