In light of myself and other barn dudes having been born and bred in the rusty old town of toledo, ohio, and as well several readers of this blog, I have decided to post some pics from my just recent trip there. And for all you Montana kids and New York kids and Portland kids and Maryland kids and everyone else who has had to sit and listen to our tales of yore, most notably about skate spots, here are some visual aids. let the nostalgic tour begin...

a main stay. portside. the stage. the edge used to be all angle iron.

obligatory river front shot.

edison plaza. second stage.

bump to ledge.

O-I. best ledge spot hands down.

Kevin likes hot dogs.

Now, having seen those spots, which are pretty great, you must realize that the place we went the most was media play, which is essentially just a parking lot and two small manuel pads. but it's still my favorite spot.

really? oh wait, hell yes. many good times had. just ask derek. mopey's switch flip nose wheelie fakie flip out was pretty mid 90's epic.

speaking of nostalgia, my mom's yard in fall is pretty great.

and i got to rake the leaves.

the end.

reel tite. SYLmania
They took the Pride down from the Toledo Pride sign.
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